What is Sustainable Jersey?
Sustainable Jersey is a voluntary, certification program for municipalities in New Jersey that want to go green, save money and take steps to sustain their quality of life over the long term.
New Jersey is the first state in the nation with a sustainability program for communities that links certification with state and private financial incentives along with a fully resourced program of technical support and training.
What are the benefits?
First and foremost, municipalities that earn certification often can reduce long-term costs associated with energy and transportation usage. Additionally, towns in the program gain access to grants for community projects. Sustainable Jersey also identifies existing and new funding opportunities that support sustainable certification actions.
How does it work?
Sustainable Jersey identifies concrete actions and provides tools and resources that municipalities can implement to become certified. Municipalities launch their certification process by forming a green team that works to earn points in a number of specific environmental categories, including Community Partnership and Outreach, Land Use and Transportation and Health and Wellness.
How can Avenues in Motion help?
Avenues in Motion works with municipalities in northwestern New Jersey by providing free programs that align with many certification categories including transportation fairs, bicycle and pedestrian safety programs for children and adults, anti-idling awareness campaigns, Safe Routes to School and Complete Streets programs.
To learn more about what we can offer your green team, municipality, or community group, contact us at (973) 267-7600 or send us an email here.