Vanpool Sponsorship

In addition to cost savings through sharing a ride, vanpooling can cost even less – thanks to a statewide vanpool sponsorship program run by  NJ TRANSIT with assistance from Avenues in Motion and local vanpool vendors. 

  • Eligible vanpool groups can qualify for $175.00 per month.
  • Support increases to $325.00 per month if the vanpool travels on New Jersey’s High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on the New Jersey Turnpike.
  • Register your Vanpool through Avenues in Motion to take advantage of the sponsorship program.

Rules and Requirements:

  • Vanpoolers must use a vanpool provider that is registered in the NJ TRANSIT sponsorship program.
  • Vanpoolers must register their vanpool with NJ TRANSIT through a TMA (such as Avenues in Motion).
  • Vanpoolers must provide annually a Journey to Work form and roster of riders.
  • In instances of riders being added or removed, the vanpool must submit an updated form.

For more information, contact Justin Heitzman at (973) 267-7600 or send him an email here.