Municipal Transportation Forum

County College of Morris, 214 Center Grove Rd, Randolph, NJ

2024 Municipal Transportation Forum
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 12 noon
County College of Morris, Davidson Rooms
Event Parking: Parking Lot #6

Our second annual Municipal Transportation Forum will address transportation safety at the local level and is open to our entire service area. You will hear from experts and agency representatives, collaborate with fellow municipal officials on how to implement improvements, build coalitions, generate community buy-in and support, and ultimately how to make your streets safer for all users.

Who should attend this event? Local elected officials, town planners and planning board members, engineers, administrators and any other individuals involved in municipal transportation projects and decision-making.

Special thanks to our event sponsor, Boxcar!


8:30 - 9:00 - Breakfast and Networking

9:00 - 9:15 - Welcome and Introductions

Speaker: Hon. Stephen Shaw, Deputy Director, Morris County Board of County Commissioners

Speaker: Dan Callas, President, Avenues in Motion

9:15 - 10:00 - Panel 1: Placemaking and Demonstration Projects: Improving Safety through Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives
How can your town go from zero to Vision Zero? Learn how to implement low or no cost initiatives that involve the community in a culture of safe streets. In this session, you'll learn about a successful local streetscape and placemaking project, and hear about tools available to you from regional planners that can be implemented now.

Speaker: Jasmine Grossmann, MCRP, LEED Green Associate, Principal Planner at the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority

Speaker: Yahayra Mejorada, Deputy Department Head of the Executive Department and Constituent Affairs Coordinator at the Town of Dover

Moderator: Dan Callas, President, Avenues in Motion

10:10 - 11:10 - A Conversation About the Safe System Approach
The USDOT has embraced a national framework called the Safe System Approach. What is it, and what does it look like on our local streets? Join us in a moderated conversation around the principles and objectives of the Safe System Approach, and hear from experts and key stakeholders about taking this holistic and comprehensive guidance and turning it into local action.

Speaker: Stephen Dunn, aka "The Biking Fireman," Bike Advocate, Social Media Influencer, NJ EMT and Firefighter, Elizabeth Fire Department

Speaker: Pam Shadel Fischer, Senior Director of External Engagement at the Governors Highway Safety Association and Chair of the Avenues in Motion Board of Directors

Speaker: Lauren Paterno, Senior Government Affairs Advisor at AAA Northeast

Speaker: Rachana Sheth, AICP, NJ PP, Senior Planner/Urban Designer at NV5

Moderator: Laura Cerutti, Director of Program Development, Avenues in Motion

11:15 - 11:45 - Breakout Workshop: Working Through Transportation Safety Challenges in Your Community

Facilitator: Emily Gates, Active Transportation Manager, Avenues in Motion

11:45 - Closing Remarks

Additional Forum Resources and Downloads

Event Sponsors